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Saturday, December 27, 2008

You know, i dont know why i'm even blogging.. noone reads this bloody blog anyway. But whatever.

Did i mention i freaking adore coffee. The mf who made coffee was a genius. Hahaa.
Great so yeah i've been back in Singapore about 3 weeks now. I'm hating this place more and more to say the very LEAST.

School's about to start. WOO! I Can't bloody wait. :\


6:08 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So i didn't really get to say bye to a lot of people today but no need to kick up a fuss. It's not like i'm not gonna see them for good or anything.I mean if you really think about it its only two months. *Shudder*
Anyway school was crappy as usual. No big surprise there. I don't like it. Don't like it at all.
Can't wait for tomorrow.


5:21 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

HEY! I'm back! after like a reeeeealllyyy long time. yay! i doubt I'll keep posting though but with school almost done with for the year, i sure hope so!

Motley Crue was absolutely awesome. I took some pictures but with my phone so its not clear at all and you cant see tommy's amazing tattoos. or anyone elses for that matter. No matter. I'm still putting it up for myself to gawk at time and time again.

Nikki sixx& tommy lee in the back.So hot.

Tommy Lee.
& if youre wondering where his tattoos are, well, they are there. Sadly, i was too lazy to bring my camera along and this is the result of a poor quality camera phone. I regret now.


5:46 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Been really busy lately.

I miss Aussie like HELL. #$%^&*(ing Singapore.

I hate this country.


6:04 AM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm going shopping today!!!!!!!

never Cassandra!


9:38 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

i'm at Unka Jay's and Aunteh Juno's house now. It rocks. But they went to work. So i would tell you about camp but it wouldn't matter, i don't want to remind myself about it anyhoo but besides, i think i will have a scar to remind myself of it. Literally. So yes, i fell while playing that stupid game and got a reeeeeally deep cut. Actually it wasn't so bad, it's just the thought of Shirley and the other first aiders cleaning the insides made me want to puke. And i went home [YAYAYAY] to see the Doc and the dude gave me stiches): He first had to inject me with this thing THREE times right next to the freakin wound apparently to numb it before he went on with the stiching, it worked i suppose but I couldn't take it and cried when he gave me the injection.I'M NOT WEAK OKAY.it just hurt. Anyyyway, I got a haircut after the doc's which made me kinda sorta happier and then went home and i guess the injection started to wear off and it hurt a little.

Next day, did last minute packing of my bag and left for the flight. I hate long flights. SERIOUSLY. And also Singapore Airlines. The freakin plane isn't even comfy.

And so now i'm here. Waiting for the two "J"s to come back home so we can all go out at night. Just waiting for Uncle Tony, Aunty Latha, Cathy, Carina& Celina to get here. Next sunday.

This should be awesome. & I'm seeing hot ones ALREADY.Haha. (;


6:57 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've been told to post several times so here's one.
I did okay with mid-years. Couldn't have been better. Who asked me to study last minute.
chyeeeahhh. I won't like games day. I foresee it completely sucking and becoming a huge disaster because there won't be an umpire for dodgeball i tell you. THERE WON'T!

Besides.They can't make me since i didn't go for the training and i didn't have to cause-a the pathetic microsoft excel thing. Besides all the nonsensical stuff we had to "learn" there, the breaks were fun.I guess you could imagine. Nice an' cold in there, too.

Woohoo! i finally got Jet Lag Gemini's album after so damn long and i love every single teeny weeny incy bincy bit of it. Vlad is amaaazing! I'm so glad they're not on Mtv or anything. That would just completely ruin the respect i have for them. Mtv sucks and it's just an opinion, YOU don't think so, sureee. Because that's yours. So Sue me.

By the way, David Archuleta sucks and David Cook is going to win the whole damn thing. Except for the fact that people find Archuleta adorable and all.I'll never know why. I swear, the only time that boy really got me was when he sang imagine but that's seriously about it.Either way, I don't like american idol,
David A's probably going to win unless Utah is smaller than Missouri,
And Michael Johns is going to get an album out.


5:41 AM

OKAY! i know what you're thinking!! Wtf why Robert Pattinson right?!I know it's a huge cliche BUT BUT BUT in my defense, he's hot(you have to admit, if not they wouldn't have chosen him to be a Cullen) and this skin is pretty rad regardless.. dontcha think?

I'm Cass I can live without the chili peppers,god and music but i choose not to!
Rock n roll.
Drummers[like TOMMY LEE].
Family&Friends.&tommy lee

AndIHate:: a lot of things


The Bunch

ClassBlog, 1H '07
Pei ming
Xin Yi

Unimportant stuff.

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